DJ SALVADOR DALEK / DJ PRESTATYN CRIMEWAVE – Schedules alternate; depending upon probation guidelines, TBD.

We Cannot Tell You What To Groove To ~
Sö Kommen Zie Down & Boogiedance!
21:00 – 03:00

The music is funky. Sometimes it’s the one Welsh guy with the hoodlum jacket and trainers with all his problems with the Law, because he’s a mama’s boy and likes people to think he doesn’t care about authority. Then there’s the weeks he doesn’t even turn up at the decks, and in a panic I call the other guy, Salvador-with-all-his-Daleks, who has to fly down here on the Tube in pinches to save the day, and plays instead whichever trip-hop weirdness he had been planning, for our competitor club Brechbeitstrasse eight days from then, but instead, we get it in full test-drive mode for OUR own head-nodding emergency motorik gig, that’s how special we are to the this DJ-cyber-mensch. Anyroads, it all usually works out, and no-one’s the wiser, cause the patrons are all too beavered on Absynthe by the time the she-bloke with the windscreen wiper-hat shows up at the decks.

Attire: Semi-casual; proto-cyberpunk and steampunk-chic also acceptable. Anything that melts, you gets it.